No child wants to turn up to school on the first day of the year without their stationery and books. Sadly, this is a reality in many of our schools across Australia. In 2020, 774,000 children under the age of 15 (17.7% of all children in Australia) lived below the poverty line. This means that more than 1 in 6 children live below the poverty line in Australia. (APO, 2021
This is why we need your support. You can become involved with Stationery Aid by:
Helping to fund Stationery Aid
By donating regular or one-off funds, you are helping purchase resources we are in short supply of for our student stationery and booklist lists. You are also helping to support Stationery Aid directly to continue our mission and grow.
Without the support of individuals, corporations, and government, we cannot achieve our social and environmental purpose.
Corporate Donations
Are you a corporation wanting to create positive change by acknowledging the need to address social and environmental responsibilities within your community and beyond? Please contact us to become a corporate sponsor.
Volunteer with us
We love teaming up with community volunteering organisations and individuals that have the same values as us. If you are an individual or a community volunteering organisation that would like to volunteer please express interest by completing your details below.
The gift of giving through volunteering your time is one of the most rewarding experiences you receive in life!
NB: A police check may be conducted for all volunteers and a blue card may also be required.
Partner with us
Are you a school or organisation wanting to partner with us to collect used and excess stationery from your wider school community and are looking for more information? The more stationery we collect, the more disadvantaged students we can support at the start of the school year. We have collection boxes that can be sent around the country and returned to us once full.
Download our information brochure here or send us a message if you would like a collection box for your school, office or organisation.
Are you an organisation or school seeking yearly school stationery booklist packs and educational resources for disadvantaged students and their families in your community? We are here to help make a difference to those who are experiencing hardship and in need. Please send us a message here.
Need your Stationery Aid recycling bin emptied?
Do you already collect used and excess school stationery for us? Does you bin need emptying or returning? Please send us a message here.